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Jörg Piringer | improfe.stream


Nascido na Áustria, Jörg Piringer é músico, mestre em CIência da Computação, "poeta visual-sonoro", artista de rádio, membro da Vegetable Orchestra e membro fundador do Transacoustic Research. Piringer tem a tarefa nada fácil de ocupar um espaço já repleto de música na fronteira na divisão sútil entre eletroacústica e tecnologia aplicada à composição. E ele certamente o faz muitíssimo bem. Enquanto as melhores partes são feitas de fontes que parecem vir de outras galáxias, o caráter extremamente "fácil" de algumas peças as aproximam a âmbitos mais acessíveis.




Born in 1974. currently living in Vienna, Austria. Member of the Institute for Transacoustic Research. Member of the Vegetable Orchestra. Radio Artist. Sound and visual poet. Musician. Master degree in computer science.

Piringer is an Austrian "visual sound poet" and a founding member of the Institute for Transacoustic Research. As the title suggests, this is a digital cut and paste where every single sound, rhythm and noise was generated transforming raw voice material. Piringer sets the not easy task of occupying a space already full of music bordering on that subtle division between electroacoustics and sheer technology applied to composition; for sure he does mostly well, as many of the sounds here get incredibly far from the starting point. While the best parts are made of sources seemingly from other galaxies, the extremely "easy" character of some of the pieces brings them near to more accessible realms (70's Kraftwerk, anyone?). An interesting - if a little cold - release.


22 de dezembro

Sylvia Hallett | improfe.stream

1 de janeiro

Novos Cachoeiranos | improfe.stream